Stinglab Bee Venom Therapy Intensive

Now accepting applications. Next intensive begins September 2024.

learn to heal yourself with bee venom therapy.

  • The 6 week Stinglab Bee Venom Therapy Intensive includes: weekly live lessons, a 1:1 coaching session, personalized protocols, and 6 month access to member forum

  • Learn how to safely prepare for and self-administer bee venom therapy to heal from chronic Lyme disease

  • We cover: in depth science and history of BVT, labwork guidance, dietary preparation, detox to support BVT, and the protocol for utilizing BVT safely and effectively while personalizing it to fit your needs.

  • Small group program that allows for personalized attention and tailored support

  • Includes one 1:1 60-minute lab review and consultation with bee venom therapy expert Kate

  • Includes 6 months of access to our member forum, where you’ll have access to weekly recorded Q+A sessions, a community of support, and additional resources to support your BVT journey

  • PROGRAM COST: $2000. Payment plans available.

 frequently asked questions.

  • This course is designed for those who are dealing with chronic Lyme disease and coinfections. In order to be eligible, you must have a positive Lyme test result, have a doctor willing to write lab requisitions for you, and be willing to commit to following the Stinglab protocol to ensure your safety while undertaking bee venom therapy. It cannot be done while pregnant. If you have specific medical concerns and aren’t sure if bee venom is safe for you, please fill out an application and we will get in touch.

  • Bee venom is unique amongst Lyme treatments because it has the ability to fully eradicate the Borrelia bacteria, whereas most other treatments can only put it into remission. Bee venom both helps treat symptoms by decreasing systemic inflammation and actually addresses the root cause by killing the Lyme bacteria and other chronic bacterial and viral coinfections.

  • The program itself is 8 weeks long. Each week, there is a 90 minute live lesson and replays are available if you can’t attend at the scheduled time. There will also be a little reading homework each week as well as some tactical homework. Additionally, you’ll need plan for a bit of extra time spent tweaking your day to day routine in preparation for bee venom therapy, including dietary changes and a detox routine.

  • The duration of stinging varies quite a bit from person to person. It can take anywhere from 1.5-3 years of stinging to be fully healed. You are done stinging when you retake an in depth Lyme panel and test fully negative.

  • Bee venom contains over 60 different active compounds that work synergistically to reduce inflammation, kill bacterial and viral infections, and retrain and strengthen the immune system. Head over to our science page to learn more.

  • This course is specifically tailored for those dealing with Lyme and coinfections, but Kate teaches bee venom therapy to people with a broad range of conditions. Please reach out so we can figure out the best approach for your specific condition.

  • For now this course is only for those who want to heal themselves using bee venom therapy. It is not a facilitator training. You may not use the information in this course to become a bee venom therapy practitioner. We are working on a future course for facilitators, so keep an eye out for that!

Stinglab success stories.

  • "Learning bee venom therapy with Kate and Stinglab changed my life. I have been stinging for 8 months now and my Lyme symptoms have improved dramatically, I have so much of my functionality back, by pain has diminished. I wish I had found this sooner."


  • "To have someone as knowledgable, compassionate, and understanding as Kate stewarding me on my healing journey was a trye blessing for which I will always be grateful. It was her love and care for the bees that ultimately inspired my healing journey with them."


  • "I felt a difference within a month of starting bee venom therapy. Kate guided me every step of the way and made me feel so supported and not alone. I went back to work after not being able to work for a year. My test results continue to improve. I'm so grateful."
